Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where does CAUSE get its funding?
Nearly all of our financial support is funded through payroll deduction from UAL Flight Attendants. The Foundations goal is to give every dollar that is donated through payroll deductions back to respective UAL Flight Attendants and their families needing medical assistance. Administrative expenses are paid primarily by fundraising. Occasionally we receive a grant from a corporation.

Who runs The CAUSE Foundation®?
Since The CAUSE Foundation® was created by United Flight Attendants, it is run by a Board of Directors made up of volunteer Flight Attendants. The Board establishes the financial goals and operating policies of the Foundation. At each base, a committee made up of volunteer Flight Attendants conducts local fundraising activities.  Requests for assistance are approved based on the Foundation’s policies and I.R.S. guidelines. Most volunteers of The CAUSE Foundation® are full-time United Flight Attendants.

How do I apply for a grant?
Applications are available from this website. Click on “Apply” for more information on how to apply.  We have Case Workers who will walk you through every step of our application process.

Once the application is reviewed and approved, a request for funds is submitted to The CAUSE Foundation® office. Every effort is made to process the request as quickly as possible, however, since we are all full-time Flight Attendants, this could take up to 3 weeks. Details of each applicant’s financial need are strictly confidential.  ALL CAUSE Reps sign a confidentiality agreement.

My house just burned down. Can CAUSE Help me?
Unfortunately, no. We cannot help with disaster or hardship relief. CAUSE can only help with medical needs, as designated by the IRS. We need documentation from a doctor to process a claim.

How can I donate to CAUSE?
Recurring donations Can be made monthly through payroll deductions or with a credit/debit card by going to our website and clicking on “Donate”. You can also send a check to The CAUSE Foundation®.

Who can apply for a grant?
Any Flight Attendant who is not on a voluntary furlough. They must have a medical need. Either themselves or a family member (including documented partnerships).

Why can’t I apply if I’m on a voluntary furlough?
Our policies do not allow us to help with elective choices, such as cosmetic surgery, pregnancy or voluntary furlough.

How long has CAUSE been around?
Since 1994

Why are some Flight Attendants turned down by The CAUSE Foundation?
Either they have incomplete paper work, or they do not fit into our parameters, which is medical. All Flight Attendants who fit our parameters (set by the I.R.S.) and have filled out the requested paper work, have been assisted by The CAUSE Foundation®.

Are my donations tax-deductible?
Because The CAUSE Foundation® is officially recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.) as a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt non-profit corporation, all donations are tax deductible. The CAUSE Foundation® is held accountable to the I.R.S. They ensure that we run the organization as outlined in our policies and procedures while Federal and State laws assure our accountability.

Should you have further questions, please contact us!